We hope you're all enjoying this holiday season! Our crews have been working hard to help make Depot Street as accessible as possible through the holidays. Just as we did for the Tree Lighting at the beginning of the month, Depot Street will be ready for Midnight on Main on December 31st. We'll be making sure that there is plenty of lighting and ramps to access all walkable spaces. Please remember to still use caution while in the area as these are still construction zone. We hope you enjoy seeing the progress we've made and delight in the vision for the future. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Depot Street between Loretta Street and Cutler Street: Crews will continue installation of storm water systems in this block after the new year. In the mean time, this block will remain closed for safety. The Federal Courthouse and the Post Office will remain accessible from either Irish Street or Cutler Street through the holidays. The intersection at Cutler Street has been reopened and will remain that way through the holidays, until work ramps back up in the intersection again in 2023. This closure is for the installation of the new storm drain and electrical systems. Here's a video of the work they've been doing in the intersection before reopening it as of Wednesday, December 21st.
Depot Street between Cutler Street and Irish Street: Currently open to local traffic while our crews begin concrete work in this block. Sidewalks and curbs are being installed as well as the planter boxes for future landscaping. Please proceed with caution around the fenced off areas.
Depot Street between Irish Street and Main Street: Remains closed as crews continue with the installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalks. Check out these pictures and drone footage of the progress with the sidewalks, including a ground-level walkthrough showing the quality of the new sidewalks accessing the businesses along the block. Please consider shopping local for this holiday season. There are plenty of places to park nearby and walk to your favorite Depot Street businesses.
Depot Street between Main Street and College Street: Will remain accessible to local traffic but closed to through traffic. The intersection of College Street and Depot Street is open. Academy Street is also open and accessible. Please use caution while accessing this area.
Above you can click to enlarge these drone shots of Depot Street looking in both directions and directly down at the new Tabletop Feature, which is coming along nicely. Below is a fantastic flyover of the project as it currently stands from Main Street to the storm water installations going on at the intersection of Cutler Street and Depot Street, which has currently been reopened. As you can see, sidewalks have progressed significantly and our crews are prepping the parallel parking spaces between Irish Street and Main Street for pouring of colored concrete. Soon after the parking is poured, we'll begin pouring the concrete basins in the roadway that the pavers will be laid into. We hope you're enjoying watching the project come together.
As always, please utilize the "Questions?" tab on this website to submit a form with any questions or comments you may have about the project. We hope you enjoyed this update and that it was informative but would also appreciate your feedback. We reply directly to those submissions and would love to hear from you.
Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you in 2023!
**Regarding text messages – Due to new legislation that controls mass texting capabilities, we’re no longer allowed to use the 313131 number. Don’t worry though! You’ll now be receiving project texts from 423.820.0404. So, please save this number into your phone to ensure you’re receiving project updates via text. Anyone can still sign up for the text message system by texting “greeneville” to 423.820.0404.**