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Construction Update for Monday, Nov. 15

This coming Monday, November 15th, The Greeneville Water Commission's (GWC) contractors will begin to prepare the sanitary sewer pipes in the road on Depot Street between Irish Street and Main Street. Expect to see more digging and work in the roadway within the current project area. Along with that, The GWC's contractors will continue with utility line replacement in the sidewalk. Thus far, they've completed replacing the sewer line in the sidewalk on the North side, which is the area they've been working on and replacing with stone (gravel) walkway.

The water line replacement they're about to start will be similar in process to the sewer line replacement they've just completed. They will dig down into the remaining sidewalk, replace the line, and then cover the area again with the stone (gravel) walkway. Working their way up the sidewalk as they did before.

Pedestrian access will be maintained as much as possible and we will always find a way to help patrons reach their destinations near the project site.

Here's some pictures from the site today, November 11: Water tie-in work in the trenches on Main Street from the North side of Depot Street to the South side.


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