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05.27.2022 - Construction Update

W Depot Street between Cutler Street and Irish Street is closed to thru-traffic as Summers & Taylor begins replacing the stormwater infrastructure on the block. This section will remain accessible to local traffic, specifically anyone going to/from the Federal Courthouse and the Post Office, utilizing access from the Cutler Street side of the block.

Irish Street has been reopened at it’s intersection with Depot Street. Depot Street is not accessible to vehicular traffic from Irish Street though. Please detour around and use caution moving near the work zones.

W Depot Street between Irish Street and Main Street remains closed as our crews continue with the installation of the new communications and electrical conduit, as well as finishing up installation of the water main on the South side of the street. This work should not cause any disruptions in utility service. Once this work is complete, concrete crews will move into the block to begin installation of curd, gutters, etc. It is worth noting that private contractors will be working within this block to demolish one of the buildings starting in the middle of next week. Their work should only take them 3 to 5 days to complete. So, expect to see some larger machinery within this block soon.

E Depot Street between Reeve’s Alley and College Street at the new culvert remains closed while mitigation work is done for a couple underground storage tanks that were discovered. The Greeneville Water Commission’s crews and contractors are also still working on pipe bursting in this area. It is worth noting that they will be shutting down N College Street for one day, sometime in the next couple weeks, to complete some pipe bursting work. We will update everyone once we have more exact information on when that will be occurring.

Currently, things have not been delayed any further because our crews and management have been doing a great job of getting work done in different areas of the project; working around any slight hiccups and the weather while pivoting to maintain our timeline. We have not had any further delays due to the supply chain either.

Photos from the intersection of Irish and Depot showing the installation of some of the larger stormwater structures:

The elliptical (oval) pipe shown above was chosen to compensate for the shallow outfall on this project. Specifically, the outfall under the General Morgan Inn is only about 6.5" deep and the system gets extremely shallow. In order to achieve the capacity needed to properly move the stormwater away from our downtown buildings and into the natural waterways, while allowing clearance above the pipe, this unique stormwater pipe was chosen. If you're interested in learning more about how stormwater systems work, check out this video on Youtube by Practical Engineering, a great resource for anything related to engineering:


© Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers, Inc. on behalf ot the Town of Greeneville, Tennessee

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