Work continues on the culvert down by the intersection of Depot Street and College Street. Summers & Taylor (S/T) has made great progress and has finished pouring the culvert. They’ll now work on back-filling the area and installation of stormwater and sewer, plus laying the brick back in place around the area.

S/T has also closed down a portion of Depot between Irish and Main to start replacing the storm water drains in that area. At this point, we’re still waiting for more materials for them to continue that work but it is currently slotted to arrive on April 5th. This could change as supply issues continue to get worse but we will update you as we are able. In the meantime, S/T has only blocked off the portions of the street where work has been done to allow for better access to the businesses. Depot Street at the other end of the project between Cutler and Loretta is still closed while the Greeneville Water Commission’s contractor stages their work in the area. This section will most likely be wrapping up this week and reopening.
